Consumer Grievance
Building trust and transparency.
CREDAI makes a conscious effort to protect the interest of buyers. CREDAI has established a CONSUMER GRIEVANCE REDERESSAL FORUM in October 2012, where an aggrieved buyer can register a complaint against CREDAI member developer. By translating investor interest protection into a mechanism, the apex body of real estate developers resolves consumer complaints expeditiously and prompts bestselling practice amongst the developer fraternity. This is the first of its kind initiative, that aligns the interest of consumers with the member builders. The self-regulation of the industry in terms of standards of delivery vis-à-vis commitment will build trust among present/ prospective buyers, the government and the media. All chapters at city and state level have accepted the self-regulation norm and have been settling consumer grievances through their Redressal Forums, though the exact details may vary slightly from chapter to chapter.